Instagram Post
- $60.00each
- Reach over 13.5K followers!
- Promote your music or event!
- Target your audience!
- ( These promos won’t last long so take advantage of these special rates. (payments can be made by Credit, etransfer, Cheque, PayPal, and Bitcoin).
Social Network Promo
- $70.00Per Week
- Reach over 100k followers!
- 8.5 Million Monthly Reach!
- Promote your music or event!
- Target your audience!
- Social Network blasts + (includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, and Youtube).
- For a monthly package email us.
- (These promos won’t last long so take advantage of these special rates. (payments can be made by Credit, etransfer, Cheque, PayPal and Bitcoin.)
Digital Marketing Ad Spaces
- $400.00Per Month
- Social Media Network Promo + Digital Ad front page website
- Your banner will replace our banner photo on social media platforms, and you will receive a featured article in our press release monthly email newsletter "eZion."
- Featured artist spot on our website with links to purchase your music!
- 200,000+ listeners per month!
- Promote your music or event!
- Target your audience!
- Contact via email or a 30-60 second commercial on air - with primetime placements (charitable organizations get 50% off) Regular Price $500.00 /bi-weekly.
- (These promos won’t last long so take advantage of these special rates. (payments can be made by Credit, etransfer, Cheque, PayPal and Bitcoin.)